You interact with the world in a way that makes most people cringe. People often feel sorry for you because you’re not quite "right" and they try their best to try to fix you by providing helpful advice, free seminars and, in extreme cases, lots of prayer.
Most days you’re OK with being different but then there are other days when you wonder if maybe you should try to change who you are to fit in.
But you can’t change and you know it, no matter how much you try. Maybe one day you’ll discover the same traits that people consider to be flaws were the motivating factors behind some brilliant leaders.
If you're flawed and you know it, these six traits could direct you to a new path that leads straight to entrepreneurship:
1. Lacking a desire for a 9-to-5 office job.
The idea of working in an office setting makes you sick to your stomach. You tried working in an office and lasted maybe a month before you started having panic attacks.
Working on your own schedule suits you so much better and you thrive when you have independent projects to complete. Don't discount yourself just yet. You're not a failure. It's very likely that not being able to sustain a 9-to-5 office job will force you to create your own business.
2. Skirting social circles.
No matter how many social groups you try to join, you can't seem to fit in. You spend the majority of your time alone wondering if you will ever find your perfect place in the world.
It's bothersome for you to think that of the billions of people on this planet, you can only connect with a select few. This inability to create and sustain social relationships could drag you down unless you recognize it for the gift that it is.
Yet when you have lots of time alone, you can create the solutions the world needs to progress. Don’t waste time feeling bad for yourself. You're in a class by yourself and your mission is to build something that will benefit humanity.
3. Incapable of following directions.
Some might try to label you as incompetent because you can't sit down, shut up and follow instructions. Yes, you can follow instructions but only the ones you believe to be correct. If you have an inkling there's a better way to do something, you will do it your way, much to the chagrin of others.
This trait doesn't have to have a negative stigma. After all, you know that instructions are for IKEA bookcases and all other rules are just suggestions.
If you find that you prosper when you create your own rules, you may be just the leader a company needs to push it to the next level.
4. Posessing sky-high self-esteem.
People consistently remind you that you should be humble and never intentionally draw attention to yourself. You disagree. You think you're awesome and you're wondering when the rest of the world will get a clue.
You believe that you have what it takes to change how things work and the beautiful part is that you're trying. Your effort will be noted if you are consistent and dedicated. You’re not flawed after all. Your confidence in yourself may lead you to create a business or product that will change how people interact in this world.
5. Forgoing a romantic relationship.
No one is as attractive to you as progress is. You forego Friday nights at the bar to work on your business goals without hesitation.
People don't understand why you're in your 30s and haven't been engaged at least once and they pressure you about this every chance they get. In their eyes, you're losing out in life. But you believe life is more than just a trip down the aisle and mounted photos on the living room wall.
You are aroused by reaching for the brass ring of innovation and you want to bring others along with you.
6. Obsessive.
There is no way you can sleep until you get your projects done. When you try to flake off and do something silly, the damning weight of guilt presses down on your chest like a hundred elephants.
You must complete your tasks. You must achieve your goals. You must learn more, grow more and be more every single day or you feel that you're wasting your life.
Everyone tells you that balance is key to living a fully satisfying life but you're not listening because you have more work to do and they're interrupting your progress with their whining.
Chances are you’ll wind up burned out if you don't learn how to take a break.
But there's also a chance that you will surpass your expectations and end up breaking the mold, leading others into a new era in business.
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