Tuesday 7 April 2015

6 Top Reasons You're Not Making Money Online

Let’s face the facts here, many people think Internet Marketing is easy.  They see the Ferrari’s and mansions and think they can simply push a button to start making money online.
This may sound obvious to some, but there is no “University of Internet Marketing” – you need to put in the blood sweat and tears and learn yourself.  Fortunately, there ARE plenty of legitimate training courses out there – just use  common sense before buying one.  If it sounds too good to be true, it usually (but not always) is.

STOP IT!  Just…stop already.  I can’t even begin to COUNT how many people fall for the get rich quick online  products that come out every single day.   They see the (rented) lambo, private jet and mansion.
They hear the fancy guru (actor) talk about how they came across (or stole) this TOP secret formula that will allow ANYBODY who can click their mouse 7 times to generate $135,345.45 per MONTH just as easy as one takes a breath or makes a cup of coffee.
They buy the product, try it out for 1 or 2 days then they buy the next one. This cycle happens continuously and they waste THOUSANDS of dollars on a fake online education never really getting any SOLID online training.
Internet Marketing is NOT about buying every damn ebook or product that comes out, really – it’s not…scouts honor!

You’d be SURPRISED how many people are guilty of both #2 AND #3.
They’re hypnotized and swayed by the latest gurus product, they buy it – but they’re too scared to start and just sit on their asses doing NOTHING.  I meet so many people that have ALL the knowledge.
They really DO know what it takes to succeed at Internet Marketing.  They know how to use wordpress, they know the basics of SEO, they know how to write a great email or set up a KILLER sales funnel with back end offers or OTO’s.  BUT – they never start because they’re SCARED to fail.
Increasing your knowledge is GREAT, there’s nothing wrong with that – BUT you need to actually do something with it.  Sitting on your butt doing NOTHING is going to get you nowhere, and fast.

I’ve found that MOST people don’t want to spend money as it’s risky for them.  They’d rather spend $5.00 on “100,000 visitors” (fake, robot generated) from fiverr.com than invest $100 in 200 REAL visitors via a solo ad or paid newsletter submission.
There are so many FREEBEE seekers out there that just download free ebook after free ebook but are scared to actually invest in a legitimate course or training.  Please keep this in mind, success doesn’t come without investing.  Time, or money – that’s your choice.
Money+Paid Traffic=Immediate Results
Time+Free Traffic = It’s going to take a while

Seriously, quit being lazy and jumping from false promise to false promise.  Find one LEGIT money making method and stick with it.  
You know, I like to quote my friend and one of my early Mentors Brian G Johnson on this.  “There is no such thing as a person who fails at internet marketing, only a person who quits before the magic happens”.
Brian was one of the first REAL Internet Marketers that I EVER came across online, and those words have stuck with me ever since I first heard him online, and later met him in person.
Seriously, stick with it – don’t give up. BELIEVE in yourself and you’ll be truly amazed with what you can accomplish!
I want to show people that they’re NOT the only one’s in a particular boat, and many people are having the same struggles and fears.
There really are a ton of LEGIT ways to make money online, and quite a few legitimate products what will teach you this.

I mentioned lazy people above.  These are the people that jump from offer to offer, waste their money and never fully commit to their online marketing education.These are the people that are looking for the ‘push button millions’ that will never come.   I hate to say this, but get with it folks – there IS no magic bullet.  Hard work is required! *Gasp*


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